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  • Writer's pictureşeymanur peru

The Rorschach test influenced me to start this painting series

In this post, I’ll discuss and showcase the new painting series where I synthesized many elements, including coffee, inkblot test, acrylic, and our childhood activities. And the final result of it looked something like this. But, before that let’s explore how did I come up with that funny idea. I hope you enjoy this writing. Stay curious and If you have time feel free to comment. Love you

Well to be honest everything started with the bored me in the ongoing pandemic and my efforts to entertain myself. So my subconscious gifted me with the memories of my childhood where I did many paintings with rope, paint, and paper curled in half.

String pull painting

String pull painting

This activity holds a significant amount of joy in my early childhood memories. Probably dozens of you have been there and we all have done something like this. Right? Maybe the only weird thing that there is I still love them and continue to do them 😎 It is also nice to try to interpret the picture into something. So it leads me to read something I saw on the web. The inkblot test

What is an inkblot test?

Inkblot test

Many people around the world have known about the renowned Rorschach test, additionally called the Rorschach inkblot test, in which an individual is approached to depict what they see in abstract inkblot pictures. This projective test regularly shows up in mainstream society and is much of the time depicted as a method of uncovering an individual’s oblivious desires, intentions, or wants.

After reading many more about this topic I get a similar sense. (Could not figure it out at first 😂) I sense that there is an ongoing event in my Turkish culture. That was “The Turkish coffee fortune reading” obviously.

Turkish coffee

Turkish coffee stains

In a Turkish household coffee is more than a drink. People are assuming that Turkish people are only using coffee to read fortune other than drinking it. But to be honest, not everybody uses it in that way, including me (Also note that religious people in Turkey mostly go against reading your future via leftover coffee granules).

First of all, it is a great face peeling but its not our main subject 😂

Mostly, (when I am generally at home 🙂) when I finished drinking the liquid part of the coffee and reaching the leftover granule part. When the granule part is still warm and hot but not much hot that can kill or burn you 😂 Grab that part with your bare hands and rub it on your face. Of course with the delicate hand moves slowly massage your whole face. When the particles lost their wetness, it’s time to rinse them of with water. You’ll be having an amazingly smooth face. Also, your face will be smelling GREAT.

Second, I use it as paint because why not 😉

coffee stain on paper

Well, this is the part where the magic happened. Stay curious 😉

The stain of the Future Serie…✨

So, my experimental and curious instinct or mind 😎 made a collab between coffee granule, jute string, paper curled in half. So I used technique of string pull art and try to seek the concept of inkblot. And below you’ll see the paintings I came up with.

A view from my table

I also, asked people what they see in those paintings. And I’m still curious about what do you see 🙂. So please share your imaginative perception with us 😉


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